Tag Archives: stop being jealous of others

Let’s Be Realistic

Do you know what I love most about Pinterest and Blogging? The surreal pictures and perfect scenes. From the angle to the filter, it is so warm and cozy. So picture perfect. It makes you want to crawl inside and make their life your own…

But it isn’t. You feel a little guilty…then some remorse. Then jealousy. Then you lust after angelic children and perfect homes and DIY out the wazoo…

Envy takes over and pretty soon, you have a case of the should have, would have, could have…

Soon you are unhappy with your life and snap at your children, tear apart your house, and tell your husband what you really think about being on a budget.

…am I hitting close to home yet?

I am that woman. Comparing my life to Pinterest pictures and blog articles. Judging my life against others via Facebook and
Instagram. Unhappy and not living in MY moment.

This year one of my Goals was to be more realistic in my photos that I post. It is difficult to be so raw. I am used to angling the camera just so, cropping the parts I like, adding a modern filter for affect. I want to look all put together and perfect, but that’s not reality.

It hit me when my SIL commented on how “perfect my house was”. Soon after a friend commented on a DIY post with “I should have know you made that.” What did they mean? Am I putting on the air of SuperWoman? Do they think I’m some too good to be true person? I am very much human. We are a very real and messy family.

So here are some Real and Raw pictures of our house on an average day.










Yes, that is me curled up on the couch with my ipad as my son destroys the living room (and his teddy bear joins me). That mess in my kitchen is our hutch (AKA store all). The laundry basket with no laundry is my life saver. It is my collect all basket for quick clean ups (the goal is to empty it by the end of the day).

The point is, If we shared more realistic photos, posts, stories, etc… maybe the jealous monster would visit less often. Perhaps we would be content to look past our screens and into our reality and love our lives AS THEY ARE.

Here’s to being raw, realistic, and less photo edits 😉