Liebster Award


I was nominated by Brittney from “Exploring Life as a Mom”

 If you are not aware, a Liebster Award is a way of getting other bloggers known,
shared and generally getting the word out about them, if they have under 500 followers.
– A few simple rules apply –
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you
3. Nominate 11 other followers with less than 500 followers
4. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer
5.Tag your nominees & post a comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them
My Questions:
1. What is your favorite family(or friend) activity?
Just being together. Whether it is eating dinner, doing a project together, going on a road trip, or cleaning the house. Any time with that person that involves laughs and talks.

2. How many kids do you have or want ?

Right now we have one on the way. A BOY! I would love a few more in the future.

3. Nails or makeup?

I have never been big into nails, until I moved to Texas. Now I like having them done, but Mascara is still a MUST over polish.

4. Flip flops, sneakers, heels, or boots?

Hard one. Flip flops are my go to shoe. I love all the others as well. I guess it depends on the day. 🙂

5. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Sharing thoughts, ideas, and products I find with other people.

6 .Top 5 apps?

Apps I most use on my ipad are: Pinterest, All Recipes, Evernote, Picsart, and Find&Save.

7.  Do you have any pets, if so what are they?

One dog. A Dalmatian mix. He is our spoiled baby. We had a cat for a short time, but she needed more attention than we could provide.

8 . 5 things about you?

  • I have web toes. (the second two)
  • I love chocolate milk
  • My music choices are so diverse it confuses people
  • I’m a recovering workaholic
  • I want to have a transitional home for women who have been impacted by mental disorders.

9.One food you could eat a lot of for long periods of time?


10. What is your favorite drink why?

Water. I love lots of other drinks, but I have always liked drinking water and it is my fail proof choice.

11. Why do you like to blog?

It is an outlet for me to say things I might not be able to say on Facebook or to some one face to face. I also get to share all sorts of wonderful information with the world!

Who I Nominated:


Crochet Anonymous

Montana Designs

My Simplicity Quest

Simpleigh Organized

Recipes From My Kitchen

Sarah Ann Photography

Ad Libs

Marymary Why u Blogging

Child of God

Questions for Those Who I Nominated:

1. What is your passion?

2. Why do you blog?

3. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

4. If you could travel anywhere tomorrow, where would you go?

5. What is your favorite “end of the day wind down time” activity?

6. Who has had the most impact on who you are today?

7. What is your dream job?

8. Favorite websites that make life easier?

9. Favorite social media to use to share your blog and ideas.

10. Blogs or people you follow obsessively.

11. Favorite rainy day recipe.

I hope you all enjoy reading their answers and make sure to check out the blogs of those I nominated.

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